What is CSS? •Stands for Cascading Style Sheet •CSS allows you to style HTML elements, or define how they are displayed. •Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets •External Style Sheetscan save you a lot of work •External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files •Multiple style definitions will cascadeinto one •Examples: –Changing the color of text –Specifying the size and position of a div What is CSS? (cont.) •CSS is an alternative to the “style” attribute. – <div style=“height:500px; width:200px”></div> •Advantages: –Can control the style of many different elements with a single command. –Separation of function: HTML can focus on content while CSS handles styling. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) •Simple mechanism for adding style to web page •Code be embedded into the HTML file •HTML tag: <style type=“text/css”>CODE</style> •Also be in a separate file FILENAME.css •HTML tag: <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“scs.css” type=“text/css”> •St...